The Hotwife MOD APK (Android/Port) Download

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UpdatedMar 20, 2024


The Hotwife is an original, adult themed visual novel about a couple who explore opening up their marriage. Join them as they explore meeting other sexual partners as they experience different aspects of the lifestyle.


Ported to Android

The Hotwife MOD APK Android/Port

The Hotwife will explore. month by month, their first year of non-monogamy..  As a visual novel you, the reader, will be along for the ride. Your choices will define not only how a sexual encounter may go but the direction of the relationship. Will their first year end up with them being stricly monogamous again? Will they decide that polyamoury is for them? Cuckolding? Simple swinging? 

This story is fantasy, however many encounters are based on the real lifestyle experiences of a throuple (3 adults in a live in relationship) who have been in the lifestyle for over 10 years. 
Please support us in creating these stories. Hopefully we will be able to follow their lifestyle journey into year 2 and beyond.

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