The Fixer APK (Android/Port) Download
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Size148.7 MB
UpdatedNov 9, 2023


The Fixer APK Download: is an adult life sim lite visual novel. You take the role of the protagonist, Samantha who is a Fixer. In order to solve her employer’s problems she has to face different challenges such as investigating industrial sabotage, diplomacy between factions and tracking down troublemakers. But she needs somehow to carry on with her everyday life while dealing with her missions.


Ported to Android
its a ported pc games, which might not compatible for some devices..

The Fixer APK Download

The world is suffering. Disease, economic and government collapse and the death of over half of the population has lead to most people living in extreme strife. The town of Blaston, where the story is set, fared a little better than most and so Sam and her sister try to make their way there to seek refuge.

After playing through one of the origin stories, Samanta finds herself in Blaston, having been rescued by the cities main power base and in return she agrees to work for them as a “Fixer” who solves potentially sensitive problems using tact, diplomacy or underhanded means. Will she manage to make a difference to the town and its power brokers or will she fall into the pit of depravity and despair along with the majority of residents in Blaston?

She is the protagonist of the story. Her name, skin/hair colour are all customizable to your liking and play a large part in the story. As the Fixer, you will be tasked with getting close to people to fulfil your mission, and in many cases you will change your appearance to suit the preferences of those you are trying to befriend.

Game features

Sandbox gameplay around a more traditional branching narrative. 

Character customization. Change your skin, hair, eyes, makeup, clothes, accessories, tattoos and more.

Wardrobe system that lets you mix and match any clothes you have bought as well as colour them to your liking.

Pregnancy system. It’s all fun and games till your belly starts to grow


Version Size Requirements Date 131.7 MB - 12/04/2023

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