The DeLuca Family MOD APK (Android/Port) Download

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UpdatedMay 26, 2023


The DeLuca Family MOD APK Download: Our protagonist is a guy like any other normal guy. Lives a peaceful and uncomplicated life. That uncomplicated life turns into a rather complicated one when he receives a letter from a mafioso, who tell our unfortunate protagonist that due to his parents past, he is now under a mafia contract. He is to serve for a mafia family, but not just any mafia family. The DeLuca family. One of the most dangerous and infamous criminal organizations in the country.


1. Ported to Android

The DeLuca Family MOD APK Download

Follow the journey of our protagonist in which he tries to gain the trust of the DeLuca family, befriending the two daughters of the family. Befriending the wife of the capo bastone. Doing the inhumane acts of killing just to rise through the ranks to be respected among the other soldiers. All the while he tries to find a way to break the contract and be free of the mafia family. Or perhaps he will end up turning into the greatest mafiosos of this generation?

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