My Pure Boyfriend MOD APK (Free Premium Choices)

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UpdatedJanuary 22, 2022


My Pure Boyfriend MOD APK Download: Romance You Choose” is a romance app where you develop love between students. You are the main character! You become the instructor and enjoy romantic relationships with your students!

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My Pure Boyfriend MOD APK Download

“Do you really believe…that a girl will fall in love with you?”

Several months have passed since I’ve started working the school and being called “The Tamer of Love.”
I am still in training. The masochistic charming pure students love me for some reason.

I lecture them from day-to-day, but my hobby is… romance games or “Otome games”.
I have no interest in real life men, whatsoever. Because none of them can beat the 2D world no matter how good looking or wealthy they are.
However… That does not mean I was always like this from the start.
I’m just tired of having relationships with real life men. Learning to let go is sometimes important.

Yes, since that day.
Because that was the reason why I started working at the academy.


◆【A genius A narcissist with attitude】
Hiro Saeki
Height: 5’7, Age: 28

“You better not fall in love with me…”

A dealer for a foreign based investment bank.
Appearance, check. Intelligence, check. Career, check. …Personality, awful.
He truly believes that the world revolves around him.
Always splitting the bills. (Coupons are mandatory) He’s driving a nice sports car but he never picks you up or drives you home on dates.

◆An absolute handsome
Junichi Kusamoto
Height: 5’9 Age: 34
“I’ve never actually dated a woman before. That’s because………”

A GM of a huge publishing company.
Many women love him for his handsome looks and his competence……… However, he does not seem interested at all.
It seems something happened to him in the past regarding women, and his communication skills towards women are surprisingly low.

He found out about the academy through work and enrolled, hoping the main character can help him overcome his trauma.

◆A negative preppy
Toshiaki Kanade
Height: 5’4 Age: 20
“Oh, um……uh… I’m sorry.”

A hardcore preppy with a butler by his side.
He loves classical musics and is a violinist.
He is a top-notch player but has a reason why he only plays solo.
His has a much too passive personality and has no desire at all.

His matchmaking always ends up in a failure and his parents are the ones who enrolled him to this academy.
But he himself wishes to change himself, too.

◆A otaku
Motohide Sakuraba
Height 5’5, Age: 26
“All right! That’s +40 to my love parameter!”

An all otaku who is into everything including: game, manga, anime and figures
He makes a living out of his doujinshis and is very popular in that area.

Although he speaks in a distinguished manner and has an interesting taste in fashion with a long, messy hair,
he has good grades and a superlative technique of speaking romantically to women since he trained himself through games.
However, he has “zero interest in the 3D world.”

Then why did he enroll to this academy? He gives an absurd answer.
He is a very cheerful person, but…that is also how he defends himself.

You can choose the character of your type!
…Now, which character will you give love lessons to?

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