My New Memories MOD APK (For Android/Port) Download Latest Version

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UpdatedMay 26, 2023


My New Memories MOD APK Download: In My New Family you play as a (Male) Character that had to struggle through most of his life. Growing up without any real family, having a father that was an abusive alcoholic, things started to look better once you moved out and lived on your own. Sadly, things didn’t stay good and with an eviction notice on your front door, you were forced to leave yet again. You were not forgotton though and the people that once were violently ripped out of your life are now the ones that will help you out the most. Not being alone anymore you will quickly discover what it means to be truly loved and of course, how to truly love someone back.


1. Ported to Android

My New Memories MOD APK Download

In My New Memories you play a (male) character that lost his memories after a terrible car accident. You wake up in a hospital, confused and lost with no idea how you landed there. But you are not alone. Your family is there to slowly help you back into your life. Your wife, who was also involved in the car accident, has fallen into a coma. But that doesn’t mean that she is gone. Through circumstances that you don’t yet understand, she appears in your dreams, showing you things from your past life that you forgot.
On your journey to finding New Memories you will uncover things that seem unspeakable to you; moments you experienced with your wife that are of a more precarious nature. Will you embrace this side of your life or will the morality that you didn’t care for before your accident come back? You can decide everything yourself.

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