Little Regina APK (For Android/Port) Download Latest Version

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Size795.2 MB
UpdatedOct 25, 2023


Little Regina APK Download: This is where I create the VN Little Regina, I post news and previews for upcoming releases and collect funding to acquire new assets and other requirements used in it’s creation.

In Little Regina you will follow the adventure of soccer player Jessie (and her cat Loki), deputy sheriff Christa and army veteran Jack. Jack helps them with “things” and the girls help Jack.


Ported to Android
its a ported pc games, which might not compatible for some devices..

Little Regina APK Download

LR is a one-man operation and will most likely remain so. It is a hobby project I started quite a while back. 2018 is when the first edition was written and now 3rd-4th rewrite I hit on something that really got me started. In December 2020 is when I began in earnest. Seriously there is so much to learn, rendering is almost the easy part, coding, researching sounds, laws on music, laws on Patreon, re-rendering after learning how to do it better…and re-rendering because lighting and re-rendering because of the hated skin cracks haha you get the picture. 

In being a one-man operation I find it hard to predict how fast I can turn out the following acts. I am a farmer in the real world and it is a job that allows me a lot of time in the winter and less so in the busy times in the summer.

I intend your Patreon contributions to support the creation of LR, not me. Because of how harshly crowdfunding is taxed in my country it only makes sense for me to treat LR as a nonprofit. So that means that at the end of each year any funds not used on assets and resources for LR will be given to a veterans charity.
It remains to be seen if that works but in any case, it is worth a try.

The link to the test version or v0.1 if you will is in the link below
I hope you will enjoy it. I have never been more nervous about anything I think than to release my project haha. So if you spot something weird then let me ken.


Version Size Requirements Date
0.15 342.6 MB - 13/11/2022

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