High-Rise Climb MOD APK (Android/Port) Download

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Size1.0 GB
UpdatedJune 23, 2023


High-Rise Climb MOD APK Download: is about Byron, a financial analyst who just recently started to struggle.  Help Byron climb the corporate ladder to become the most powerful man in the world.  What will you do with that power?  Will you use it to help those around you, or will you like so many before you, get corrupted?


Ported to Android
its a ported pc games, which might not compatible for some devices.

High-Rise Climb MOD APK Download

Why pledge: I create my own environments.  Much of the environments in the game you see are either created from scratch or with heavily edited models with custom textures.   This takes a lot of time and hopefully with enough pledges I can spend more of my time both creating these high quality environments and further expanding the game.

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