Cross Worlds APK (Android/Port) Download

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Size121.9 MB
UpdatedDec 19, 2023


Cross Worlds APK Download: is a game for those who enjoy adventure, dating simulation, and exploring new worlds through interaction with unique characters. The game is currently in development and its funded by patreon backers.

We show you the story of our city boy in a small community that drained all the opportunities offered to him. Curiously, everyone has a great life except him. However, he switches places with his other dimension alter ego for unknown reasons. Clueless about this new world and feeling a strange mystical force that grows and manifests within him, he explores this new and exciting civilization in the company of fantastic characters.

Cross Worlds APK Download

The game consists of different chapters in which you can make decisions that will affect the story. You will learn to take control over your emotions and influence other characters as well while rising to the most crucial ranking of heroes in your city. With the experience of your landlady, a former and accomplished adventurer, and your new friends and adventure guides, you will discover how far you can go in conquering this new and unknown world.

This game was created with a lot of effort and ONLY for you to have fun. You can download it for free; however, we can continue creating improved and better content with your support. Anyway, we will appreciate every contribution with cool and unique rewards you will surely love.

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