City of Dreams MOD APK (Android/Port) Download

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UpdatedSeptember 1, 2023


City of Dreams MOD APK Download: Claire has always dreamed of becoming an actress and to escape from her boring life in a small town. She loves to perform, to make people laugh but so far she lacked the opportunities and the confidence to pursue her passion.

That’s why she decides to move to the big city, where she hopes to find fame, fortune and opportunity. But the city is not as glamorous as she imagined. 


1. Ported to Android.

City of Dreams MOD APK Download

She will face rejection, competition, and deception. She will have to struggle to balance her personal and professional life as well as her finances. She will meet new friends and enemies, allies and rivals, lovers and haters. And she discovers that acting is not only a dream, but also a challenge.

Will Claire achieve her goal of becoming an actress? Will she find happiness and love in the city? Will she overcome the obstacles and the surprises that await her?  Or will she go down an altogether different path and lose herself in the promisses of the big city.

Follow Claire’s exciting, heartwarming and spicy adventures in the big city as she pursues her dream of becoming an actress.

City of Dreams is a visual novel that will make you laugh, cry, and cheer for Claire as she chases her dream. If you love stories  about dreams, love, sex and life,-  you will love this game.

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