Ben X Slave Quest MOD APK (Android/Port) Download

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UpdatedMay 1, 2023


Ben X Slave Quest MOD APK Download: A NSFW twist on Scooby Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang, with a brand new story, a haunted hotel mystery  in which the classic hijinks mix with a darker shade of terror.
Velma and Daphne are the main girls to interact and have sex with, but the terribly beautiful and enticing Demona, and other secret secondary characters will join the beauty roster.
A whole hotel and its surroundings to explore, full of strange characters and secrets to uncover.
Two stages to each day. Interrogate the mysterious hotel inhabitants during the day, and lockpick doors and solve puzzles in search for clues and hidden secrets at night. Just don’t get caught. There’s rumors of a Creature in the woods.


Ported to Android

  • may not work on some devices

Ben X Slave Quest MOD APK Download

Deep character customization, with many different categories (tops, bottoms, bras, panties, gloves, socks, shoes, hairstyles, accessories, extras, costumes….) to be combined to create thousands of different looks for each of your characters. A fear system for the main character. Too much and you won’t be brave enough to enter dark areas… too little, and you may just go one step too far, insanity and despair your only companions for all eternity.

A zillion clothes and a couple of jobs for each girl to be unlocked.
Skippable dialog options. We don’t want your second playthrough to be boring because you have to read the whole thing again!
. Three different endings.
. And more! 😉

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