Academy34 APK (For Android/Port) Download Latest Version
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Size671.5 MB
UpdatedDecember 18, 2022


Academy34 APK Download: you are going to take on a role of a cadet, who has just enrolled to the Academy, where young recruits are trained to become Overwatch agents. An exciting student life awaits you with all familiar characters, original story, lots of side quests and tons of adult content!


1. Ported to Android

Academy34 APK Download

The game is completely free, but with a tiny monthly donation you can get access to the game and all the updates earlier than everybody else! In addition to this, you will also gain access the Patron-only feed and NSFW fanarts , opportunity to vote for future updates, and you will give us an immense support, for which we will be eternally grateful!

With your pledge our dream of working on stuff we love, and not starving in the streets can come true! Your support will allow us to spend more time on making projects, such as the one, that we are about to introduce to you!

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