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Size38.3 MB
UpdatedJune 23, 2022


YouTube Vanced APK Download: is the stock Android YouTube app, but better! Includes adblocking, true amoled dark mode and a lot more. Use the handy Vanced Manager to install YouTube Vanced with ease.

YouTube Vanced APK

Vanced, but for Youtube Music! This is relatively less feature rich compared to vanced but still features many things you come to expect like adblocking and background playback all inside Youtube Music!

Main Features:

  • Features the option of an amoled black theme to reduce eye and battery strain.
  • Blocks All videos ads and allows you to play videos in the background or in Picture in Picture (only on android 8.0 and up)
  • Swipe controls allow you to control brightness and volume like how it is in other video player apps such as VLC or MX Player (with configurable padding).
  • New auto repeat feature allowing you to enjoy videos like tiktoks/vines or simply continue playing a song on loop.
  • Not liking the new comments section or miniplayer? Those also can be toggled to the tablet versions which are very similar to the old version (albeit slightly buggy).


Version Size Requirements Date
17.28.32 38.3 MB - 17/07/2022
17.26.35 38.3 MB - 12/07/2022
17.25.34 38.3 MB - 04/07/2022
17.03.38 38.3 MB - 26/03/2022
4.65.50 38.3 MB - 20/03/2022
4.64.51 38.3 MB - 28/02/2022

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