School Game APK (Android/Port) Download Latest Version

0.944 BugFix7
4.5/5 Votes: 2
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Size1.2 GB
Version0.944 BugFix7
UpdatedSeptember 1, 2023


School Game APK Download: is a game with RPG elements. You create your character and evolve in a school environement. Learn skills, buy equipement, meet classmates, build your reputation and budget, be a member of the student council and various clubs, and improve your relationship with the head of the student council, which you may decide to replace. Isn’t it what everyone wanted in high school, even in student years: complete freedom of action?


Ported to Android
its a ported pc games, which might not compatible for some devices..

School Game APK

More than a hundred appearance features, a much larger number of Perks, a huge number of locations, each of which will have its own line of events, giant global events with its own plot and prescription dialogues, but most importantly, what is expected on the release – a complete replayability, involving a huge number of elections, additions to the features already introduced characters in SG, which in the near future will greatly affect the behavior, speech and other text parts of the game.


Version Size Requirements Date
0.941 1.2 GB - 31/05/2023
0.939 1.2 GB - 08/04/2023

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