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Size196.3 MB
UpdatedSeptember 1, 2023


Naruto: Shinobi Lord APK Download: On this page you can see creation of a game based on everyone’s favorite fandom – Naruto. We’ve put a lot of effort and ambitions in this project, that’s why we’d love to see you among our patrons! This game gives you an opportunity to take on the role of a regular guy, who enters a Naruto world by aa curious accident.

Naruto: Shinobi Lord APK Download

What will happen to him in this world is only for you to decide! You’ll be able to interact with familiar characters, make story choices, what will have an impact on your game experience.

Let us introduce you the main characters of first update: Meet the MC. He’s just an ordinary bummer, who had just moved from his mother’s house. Working as a pizza guy, watching anime at night, playing computer games. Just a regular guy, like plenty of others.

Meet the Kamiko. She left Ootsutsuki clan. Thanks to her skills of chakra disguising no one knows about her existence. She is the one, who transfered protagonist in Naruto world. This lady has a plenty of secrets, but you’ll have to learn them yourselves.


Version Size Requirements Date
0.21 652.9 MB - 01/02/2024
0.11 196.3 MB - 10/04/2023