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UpdatedApril 5, 2022


Naruto: Kunoichi Trainer APK Download We are Time Wizard Studios and Dinaki has graciously given us an opportunity to showcase what we do in our little corner of the internet!


1. Ported to Android
2. Gallery Unlocked

Naruto: Kunoichi Trainer APK Download

We are building Another Chance! A game that we hope will eventually grow to be a juggernaut within the adult game genre. We have an update coming out in 3 days with another new sexy scene!!

If you are on our Discord, you’ve seen some previews of the sex scene that is going to be in this quest, so you know it’s going to be amazing. But let me tell you about Another Chance. If you want to skip the upcoming wall of text, you can just see a bunch of images and gifs at our newly built website!

Otherwise, let me tell you some of the things I am most proud of about our game!


Version Size Requirements Date
0.24.2 378.8 MB - 01/05/2024