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Size36.4 MB
UpdatedJune 10, 2023


Gem Domination MOD APK Download: Your childhood friend Eileen entrusted you a secret: How to enter people’s psyche. The next moment she disappeared in front of your eyes. Now no-one around you is able to remember she ever existed… or do they? With very little knowledge about what’s happening, and in the hope of rescuing her you try to follow her instructions and gather pieces inside the mind of key people close to her. Will you be able to bring back Eileen? Or you will end just like her?


1. Ported to Android

Gem Domination MOD APK Download

Ich Will Project is a relatively basic visual novel, that puts you in a situations of trust and internalized psychological problems in order to ultimately solve the mystery of the disappearance of your friend, while at the same time making a difference in the life of the people involved, hopefully for good. Set in your university campus; explore their minds and face their problems, both in and inside of their heads.


Version Size Requirements Date
4.0 36.4 MB - 28/06/2023