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Size1.5 GB
UpdatedAug 28, 2023


12 Goddesses MOD APK Download: Biden (name changeable) – a 69-year-old man, put on headphones and hid in his house to watch JAV as usual.BOOM! A plane crashed into the old man’s house. He died.

Old Biden’s soul flew through time and space. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying under a cliff, in the body of a weak and small teenager.


1. Ported to Android

12 Goddesses MOD APK Download

He has transmigrated into another world!

This is not an isekai where the protagonist gets an OP power from some gods, then becomes the champion in another world. 12 Goddesses is a story of friendship, love, sweat, tear, blood, and passion (based on the original novel 12 Nữ Thần by Slaydark).


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0.10 705.6 MB - 18/02/2024